Summer Village of Seba Beach
Land Use Bylaw Review

The Summer Village of Seba Beach has recently begun a project to update and prepare a new Land Use Bylaw (LUB).

Community Participation Opportunities:

Online Survey
Help us better understand your community and what you envision for the future! Please complete the Online Survey by February 21, 2024, using the link below or QR code. 

Take the Survey HERE! (Or go here:
Please complete the Online Survey by February 21, 2024 using the link or QR code.

Open House
An Open House will be held in the summer of 2024 to provide community members the opportunity to learn about the draft Land Use Bylaw and provide feedback to the project team. Details regarding the format and scheduling of the Open House will follow in the spring of this year.

Project Newsletter #1
The purpose of Newsletter #1 is to provide residents with background information about the project and outline the opportunities for community members to get involved.

The Summer Village of Seba Beach is embarking on an important project; to update the Land Use Bylaw within the Summer Village. The current Land Use Bylaw is 16 years old and does not reflect current provincial requirements. The purpose of the update is to improve the readability of the Bylaw and bring it up to date with current development trends and provincial requirements.

The Land Use Bylaw establishes regulations to guide how land is used and developed. It divides a municipality into different districts or zones and identifies what uses are either permitted or discretionary for each district. The Land Use Bylaw also includes procedures for submitting, processing, and deciding upon subdivision and development applications. For some specific land activities, land use regulations are included to provide further clarity on how these activities may be developed in the municipality.

The purpose of a Land Use Bylaw is to separate uses that might conflict with each other and to protect property owners and residents from developments that may negatively impact the use and enjoyment of their property. The Land Use Bylaw supports the Summer Village’s development goals and objectives established through the Municipal Development Plan.

You will have multiple opportunities to contribute your feedback during the project. Once the draft Land Use Bylaw is prepared, it will be available on the Summer Village website for community members to review and provide feedback.

Online Survey
Help us better understand your community and what you envision for the future! Please complete the Online Survey by February 21, 2024, using the link below or QR code. 

Take the Survey HERE! (Or go here:
Please complete the Online Survey by February 21, 2024 using the link or QR code.

Open House
An Open House will be held in the summer of 2024 to provide community members the opportunity to learn about the draft Land Use Bylaw and provide feedback to the project team. Details regarding the format and scheduling of the Open House will follow in the spring of this year.

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